Our mission is to provide high quality and coordinated services to all participants which is responsive, flexible and sensitive to their changing needs, enabling them to play an active part in their local community.
We are a Sandwell based charity, which supports adults with learning disabilities and/or autism, by providing a range of services which include outreach provision, community hub based activities, drop-in sessions and accessing community activities. We support our participants to increase their self-confidence, develop communication and social skills and ultimately increase their independence.
Options for Life was established in 1988. We are based in Sandwell, West Midlands and we provide professional person-centred care that is tailored to meet the individual needs of adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. We provide the support through our day opportunities outreach service, building based and PMLD services.
We aim to provide support in ways which have positive outcomes for participants and promote their active participation. Our staff are qualified and experienced as well as receiving continuous training.
We ensure that each participant’s needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. We aim to ensure that the support and care that we provide meet the assessed needs of each participant and needs are re-assessed as frequently as necessary and that our care and support have the flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements.
We aim to provide a flexible, efficient, value-for-money quality care and support service.
We aim to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of participants and to enable them to maintain their personal independence, have informed choices and have an opportunity to enjoy and contribute to society.
Options for Life is non-discriminatory and serves all participants regardless of race, nationality, language, religion or beliefs, age, sex or sexual orientation, or social standing nor is there any discrimination made between participants who pay directly for the service and those who do not. In the event of special needs and preferences of ethnic, cultural, and religious groups advice would be sought to enable Options for Life staff to meet those needs.
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